How many skills went into the making of the tint and the kilns, into supplying the heat, the light and power, the belts, motors, and all the other things a mill requires? 制造颜料,烘干需要的热量,照明,电力,传动带,电动机,一家工厂所需要的一切设备,等等,所有这一切需要多少技能?工厂里的清洁工也算我的前身吗?
Nuclear energy gives millions heat, light, and power just as it creates unwanted radioactive side effects. 核能带给无数人暖气、光和电力,却也制造有害的辐射副作用。
Recovery of the waste heat of ICE using heat pipe has advantages of small volume, light weight and low flow resistance without affecting its power output. 热管用于内燃机废气余热利用具有体积小、重量轻、流阻低,不影响内燃机功率的优点。
Plate-fin heat exchanger is one kind of the compact, light weight and high efficiency heat exchanger, which has been widely used in the field of petrochemical, chemical, energy, power, air separation, vehicle shipping, refrigeration air-conditioning and so on. 板翅式换热器是一种结构紧凑、质量轻和传热效率高的换热器设备,被广泛用于空气分离、车辆船舶、能源动力、石油化工等领域。